Discover The Step-by-Step Training For Mastering Lease Options and ...

Significantly Increase Your Cash Flow and Equity

While Saying Goodbye to maintenance and property management companies.

How Would You Like The

Simple 3-Part System

Over 1,917 of My Clients Used To

Turn Their Skill Into Serious Profits

Building A Thriving Business In 90 Days Or Less

Increase Cash Flow

Build Equity

Ethically Steal our Step-By-Step System

Find Motivated Tenant/Buyers

Leave With An Actionable Roadmap

Increase Cash Flow

Build Equity

Ethically Steal our Step-By-Step System

Find Motivated Buyers

Leave With An Actionable Roadmap

“My Mentor, Scot, has been nothing short of incredible...

He's helped me really work through some difficult transaction and helped me get my priorities, thoughts, actions in order... They continuously send me great resources to minimize my operating and marketing expenses and give me ideas that are completely out of the box. "

- Eddie Picasso, I Buy Houses en el Valle

“My Mentor, Scot, has been nothing short of incredible...

He's helped me really work through some difficult transaction and helped me get my priorities, thoughts, actions in order... They continuously send me great resources to minimize my operating and marketing expenses and give me ideas that are completely out of the box. "

- Eddie Picasso, I Buy Houses en el Valle

Do you lie awake at night knowing that you should be doing much more with your life? 

Shortcut Years of Trial and Error, Skyrocket Revenue and Clone Your Success.

Maybe you’ve closed a few deals. But you’re frustrated with an unpredictable business model, and relying on maintenance and property management companies.

It's time to break free from the chains of an unpredictable business that owns YOU.

So if:

You’re still on the never-ending cash flow rollercoaster of great months followed by lots of maintenance work.

You’re doing everything and haven’t discovered how to duplicate yourself for maximum freedom

You haven’t mastered marketing that positions you as the prize with tenants/buyers begging to speak with you

You don’t know how to instantly analyze the value of your property and squeeze as much profit out of it

Worst of all, you’re wondering if you’ll ever crack the code to a real estate business that runs without you.

It’s why the Financial Freedom Key exists— it's your gateway to Unlock massive cashflow and wealth through lease options and tenants/buyers.

Transform Your Real Estate Investing Business Into a Revenue-Generating, Freedom-Multiplying Machine.

Hey, it’s Scot.

You got into real estate for one reason: freedom. The freedom to live life on your terms. To have consistent, predictable cash flow hit your bank account each month like clockwork.

But it hasn’t worked out that way. Instead of freedom, you’re trapped on the endless grind of maintaining your properties and wasting time with demanding tickets. The inconsistent income is giving you whiplash.

Imagine finally having the skills and knowledge to generate consistent, scalable cash flow month after month. No more time eating maintenance calls or playing games with tenants. Just the financial freedom and flexibility to live life by your rules.

The proven secrets exist to automate your business and create passive income. You can end the inconsistent income and endless grind for good.

What if in just 6 Lessons you could discover the secrets to building an income-generating real estate investing business that is repeatable, predictable and reliable—quickly?

Well, there’s great news…that’s why we created Financial Freedom Key

We'll personally walk you through a proven 6-lesson blueprint to master lease options with tenant/ you can make 2023 and 2024 the years you experience explosive cash flow growth, results and freedom.

By following this step-by-step training system, you’ll melt away any confusion, overwhelm or procrastination around lease options and tenant/buyers, including:

Well, there’s great news…that’s why we created Financial Freedom Key. 

We'll personally walk you through a proven 6-lesson blueprint to master lease options and owner you can make 2023 and 2024 the years you experience explosive cash flow growth, results and freedom.

By following this step-by-step training system, you’ll melt away any confusion, overwhelm or procrastination around lease options and owner financing, including:

How to prepare your properties for lease options using our personal evaluation system

How to attract an endless flood of eager, motivated tenant/buyers banging down your door

How to filter out time-wasting tire kickers with our proven tenant/buyer prescreening process

How to structure wildly profitable lease option deals for maximum gains

How to legally lock-in your gains by streamlining attorney involvement to rapidly close deals

How to put your business on autopilot with our automated systems so it runs without you

In just 6 lessons, you’ll have the skills, knowledge and confidence to leverage lease options with tenant/buyers.

You’ll be able to generate consistent, scalable cash flow month after month.

This is your chance to create the breakthrough year you've been waiting for! The time to unlock your freedom is now.

Oh, and one more thing: you’ll be surrounded by like-minded people who “get” your dreams and are as committed to creating lifestyle freedom as you.

Just click the button below to secure your seat—and we'll see you there.


P.S. Unlike other coaching, I have over 10 years of experience in real estate investing. This training shares the exact tools and strategies I’ve used to generate millions in profitable deals.

Just click below to grab your recording today.

“The other Huge WIN Is knowing you will understand how to deliver first

class service...

...Follow Scot’s course material, listen to the weekly calls, contact them when you need to, and your clients will thank you and so will your bank account.
- Randy, Above & Beyond Vision Investments

“The other Huge WIN Is knowing you will understand how to deliver first

class service...

...Follow Scot’s course material, listen to the weekly calls, contact them when you need to, and your clients will thank you and so will your bank account.

- Randy, Above & Beyond Vision Investments

Crack The Code To a Predictable Real Estate Business That Gives You The Consistency You’ve Dreamt Of—In Just 6 Lessons.

Motivated Buyer Attraction

Get radically clear on crafting the right unique selling proposition and messaging to effortlessly attract eager, qualified tenant/buyers for your lease option deals.

Property Preparation Power

Get ready to prepare properties like a pro for lucrative lease option deals.

Offer Optimization

Stop leaving money on the table and optimize every offer's profit potential. Learn the specifics of crafting the perfect lease option and work for equity offers.

Motivated Buyer Attraction

Get radically clear on crafting the right unique selling proposition and messaging to effortlessly attract eager, qualified tenant/buyers for your lease option deals.

Property Preparation Power

Get ready to prepare properties like a pro for lucrative lease options.

Offer Optimization

Stop leaving money on the table and optimize every offer's profit potential. Learn the specifics of crafting the perfect lease option, and work for equity offers.

In Just 6 Lessons, Master Lease Options to Generate Lifetime Cash Flow and Equity

Lesson 1: Property Preparation Power

Master property evaluation and preparation for lease options to tenant/buyer deals.

  • Evaluate properties for ideal lease option or work for equity candidates

  • Learn asset protection with LLCs and Trusts

  • Handle properties with existing tenants

Lesson 2: Buyer Attraction Systems

Streamline communications for an avalanche of buyer leads.

  • Set up systems to automate buyer communication

  • Handle phone, email and other contacts

  • Filter serious tenant/buyers from tire kickers

Lesson 3: Magnetic Marketing

Craft marketing that attracts eager, qualified tenant/buyers.

  • Create a unique and compelling selling proposition

  • Leverage social media and open houses

  • Generate urgency and demand

Lesson 4: Buyer Prescreening Protocol

Prescreen tenant/buyers effectively without getting overwhelmed.

  • Prescreen tenant/buyers efficiently

  • Run background checks without wasting time

  • Separate hot leads from time-wasters.

Lesson 5: Offer Optimization

Structure profitable lease option offers.

  • Master lease option structures

  • Prepare and present high-converting offers

  • Maximize profits on every deal

Lesson 6: Attorney Automation

Work with attorneys to rapidly close deals.

  • Identify documents you vs. attorney should handle

  • Streamline attorney involvement

  • Expedite final closing steps


Guest Speaker

Tim Storey is an acclaimed author, speaker, and life coach, known for inspiring and motivating people of all walks of life, from entertainment executives, celebrities, and athletes to adults and children in the most deprived neighborhoods in the world.

Tim has traveled to seventy-five countries and spoken to millions of people. He often meets privately to counsel high-profile leaders in various industries. Along with a rigorous speaking calendar and private life-coaching sessions, Tim regularly appears on nationally syndicated radio and television shows.






"Scot is knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and fun to converse with..."

"Scot is already holding my feet to the fire and making me feel accountable on our calls...Scot's success in his own real estate investing business motivates and inspires me to push through my fears and take the actions necessary to succeed..."
-Judi, New Jersey

"Scot is knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and fun to converse with..."

“Scot is already holding my feet to the fire and making me feel accountable on our calls...Scot success in his own real estate investing business motivates and inspires me to push through my fears and take the actions necessary to succeed..."

-Judi, New Jersey

Ready To Skyrocket Your Cash Flow And Equity With Lease Options
Discover The Proven Training

Don’t wait—see what everyone is saying about Scot,

our Empowered Investor Guide

Secure Your Seat To Training Day 2023 Today And Receive Access To $5,491 Of Bonuses —For A Limited Time Only.

Yes, you read that right. We reward people who get off the sidelines of life and take action on their dreams. Which is why I want to make this a no-brainer for you. When you sign up during the next 72 hours I’m going to add $5,491 Of Instant Bonuses to your order, including:

Yes, you read that right. We reward people who get off the sidelines of life and take action on their dreams. Which is why I want to make this a no-brainer for you. When you sign up during the next 72 hours I’m going to add $5,491 Of Instant Bonuses to your order, including:

Meet your Instructors

Scot Porier

With over 30 years of ministry experience, Scot has developed exceptional skills in working with people and a strong foundation in building meaningful relationships.

This invaluable experience has greatly contributed to his success. His expertise lies in negotiation, rehabbing, wholesaling, Short-Term Rental Arbitrage, and creative financing (Owner Financing and Lease Options) where he has honed his skills and developed a keen eye for identifying lucrative opportunities.

His ability to connect with people and understand their needs sets him apart in the industry. Scot’s education platform is designed to help aspiring investors with not only the technical know-how but also the interpersonal skills necessary to thrive in the real estate world.

He has a natural talent for breaking down complex concepts into easily understandable lessons, empowering his students to take confident steps towards their financial goals.

Scot has been married 43 years, has a daughter and has a great love for his family. He is an avid racquetball player, crazy about organic gardening, and deeply amused by his chickens, whom he affectionately calls “my girls".

Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman® has been involved in several thousand real estate transactions and has owned income properties in 11 states and 17 cities. His companies help people achieve The American Dream of financial freedom by purchasing income property in prudent markets nationwide.

Jason’s Complete Solution for Real Estate Investors™ is a comprehensive system providing real estate investors with education, research, resources and technology to deal with all areas of their income property investment needs.

Through our podcasts, educational events, referrals, mentoring and software to track your investments, investors can easily locate, finance and purchase properties in these exceptional markets with confidence and peace of mind.

Visit and one of our investment counselors will provide your free portfolio makeover. We are here to help!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this training designed for?

This training is designed for anyone interested in taking their real estate investing to the next level using lease options - from beginners to experienced investors.

What will I learn in this training?

You'll learn step-by-step strategies to prepare properties, attract buyers, prescreen leads, structure profitable deals, work with attorneys, and automate your business with lease options to tenant/buyers.

What makes this training unique?

The laser-focus on lease options sets this 6-week training apart. You'll gain in-depth knowledge specifically around optimizing these strategies.

Do I need prior experience with lease options?

No prior experience is required! The training is designed for both beginners and experienced investors looking to improve their skills.

What resources or tools are included with the training?

You'll get done-for-you templates, scripts, checklists, and invaluable resources to accelerate your success with lease options.

If You’ve Read This Far, It’s Because You Know There’s More Out There For You..

Made it this far? It’s not an accident. It's because you know in your gut there's more out there for your investing business - more freedom, more wealth, and the confidence that comes from proven systems.

Every student who's discovered the power of lease options started right

where you are today - ready for the next level but not sure how to get there.

In just 6 lessons, this training will shortcut the learning curve that takes most investors years. You'll swipe our exact frameworks to structure profitable deals others only dream of. To be clear, our time is extremely limited due to demand. But for a short time, you can get direct access to our proven techniques for a fraction of the normal cost.

You have a choice. Keep repeating the same strategies that lead to inconsistent results and grind. Or gain the skills to automate your business and finally create the freedom lifestyle you deserve.

Deep down, you already know what you need to do. Now it's time to take action and claim your spot in the training today.

You CAN have the consistent cash flow, hands-free business, and wealth you've been chasing after for far too long. Seize this opportunity and invest in your future now!

Transform Your Business into a
Cash Flow Machine

You're here because you know more is possible.

Click below to unlock your true potential with our proven blueprint for generating consistent cash flow and equity through lease options.

Questions? Call 615-378-7071

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